A petition byThe Tamil Nadu Alliance, in collaboration with CSO networks from 23states, draws over 1.5 million signatures in just20 days. The petition demands monthly direct cash assistance of Rs.6000 to families affected by the lockdown. It appeals to the government to support Rs.6000 for four months to the unorganised workers and other vulnerable communities to reduce the impact of lockdown on their economic condition and to prevent hunger, risky borrowing, human trafficking, bonded labour and child labour.

Speaking on the petition Dr P. Balamurugan of TNA said, “India needs to protect its vulnerable population and we urge immediate cash assistance of Rs. 6000 per month, for four months to be directly provided by the Government. This assistance will provide liquidity to the vulnerable families below poverty line. We have worked together in the past few weeks collecting the signatures to showcase solidarity among the affected families and we hope our petition will be approved by our esteemed Prime Minister to actualize this into reality. We were amazed by the speed of the response from across the country – people in desperate conditions want their needs to be heard”.