Livinguard, the company that developed protective face masks with COVID-19-deactivating properties, announced today that its technology has been proven effective against the Indian isolate of SARS COV 2 – Covid 19, wild version. The tests were carried out by the renowned Indian National Institute (NII) of Immunology on Livinguard’s face mask fabric.
The detailed results indicate that each layer of the Livinguard mask has an average of > 99% effectiveness against the Indian isolate of SARS CoV-2, the wild strain circulating within our population. During the second wave of COVID-19 in India, a large proportion of these cases were caused by the Delta variant. This result is positive news for many geographies dealing with a Delta variant outbreak, and who will be able to rely on Livinguard face masks for their population’s health and safety.
The proof of Livinguard’s technology effectiveness against the Indian isolate of SARS COV 2 (Covid 19, wild version) come also in a context of renewed demand for facemasks in light of new mask wearing requirements being rolled-out worldwide. In fact, the WHO recently urged fully vaccinated people to continue wearing masks as the Delta variant spreads. For some health experts, wearing facemasks might actually determine if one catches the Delta variant.
Speaking about the positive results received today, Sanjeev Swamy, Livinguard CEO, said “We are making everything possible to address the demand from the increasing number of regions that are making it mandatory to wear a mask outside and inside again. Over the past 24 months, Livinguard has been tirelessly updating its self-disinfecting technology and this is yet another example of the company rising to the challenge in a race against the clock.”
The principle underlying the Livinguard technology is the deactivation of microbes including bacteria and viruses. The technology applies a positive charge at the molecular level to textile surfaces, making them more powerful than the negative charge of microbes.
Therefore, microbes are deactivated when they encounter textiles treated with Livinguard Technology. Textiles treated with Livinguard Technology have also been proven to deactivate viruses, including SARS-CoV-2* (the virus that causes COVID-19) by researchers at the Free University Berlin and the University of Arizona. Furthermore, Livinguard Technology is safe for humans and the environment.
The company is now focusing on pivoting its production facility to scale the delivery of its sustainable hygiene technology worldwide.
For information about Livinguard and its groundbreaking technologies please visit www.livinguard.com. To find Livinguard products please visit shop.livinguard.com.