Torrent Power Limited Cautions its Customers against Fake SMS and WhatsApp messages

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Torrent Power Limited Cautions its Customers against Fake SMS and WhatsApp messages.

 Over the past few months, there have been an increasing number of reports of fake SMS and or Whatsapp messages being sent to consumers across the country by fraudsters / miscreants, claiming that the Customer’s power connection would be disconnected at 09:30 / 10.30 PM, as the previous month bill was not updated. In these fake messages, Customers are also asked to get in touch with the Company Officer and a personal mobile number is also mentioned in the message.

Torrent Power urges its Customers, not to respond to any such messages or call the number provided in fake messages. Cautioning Customers against such fraudsters, the Company would like to inform that the fraudsters pose as Call Centre Executives and then ask unsuspecting citizens to share their bank details and OTP or ask them to download a software which gives the fraudster total control of the customer’s mobile / laptop, enabling them to steal banking related information and carry out fraudulent transactions.

Torrent Power would like to inform and clarify that the Company:

  • Never asks its Customers for personal information like credit / debit card number, CVV, bank details or OTP
  • Never asks its Customers to download any software to verify payment or to assist customers in making their payment online.
  • Never sends SMS from individual mobile numbers.
  • All SMS from Torrent Power are sent from an authorized SMS gateway with the sender ID, TPOWER mentioned in the name.

Torrent Power urges its Customers to:

  • Always make bill payments using secure payment gateways and from authorized sites / platforms.
  • Visit the Company’s Official customer portal  to verify details of their account, and choose any of the Online Payments Options provided
  • Use “Torrent Power Connect” our Official Mobile App to get billing and payment information.
  • Call the Company’s 24×7 call centre to know details about their power connection and related services.

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